Thursday, October 1, 2009

Burma Kings family has become daily wage labours

The country Burma's last Thibaw Min is 1859 January Kon Boung dynasty's last king.He became surrendered in 1885 November 29th to British.Thibaw King along with his wife Supayalat and his two daughters on two bullock carts send to yerawada from their in the ship send to Maharashtra Ratnagiri so that they have removed the king from the kingdom.

Thibaw Min has eight children. In those four children was died with Masuchi disease. In Ratnagiri again two daughters were taken birth.In Ratnagiri the Burma king and queen has spend their life in a old house and they have struggled very much in their old age.

In 1916 the king was died and the Queen in 1919 went to Burma and she died in 1925 at Rangun. They have spend their life in Ratnagiri at critical position.

RajKumari MethPaya Vibora have married a watchman whose name is Gopal Sawanth and now her grandchildren and their children were living now and they are working like daily wage labours.

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