Monday, September 21, 2009

Self erasable pen

If you are thinking to give a gift to your friend it is the better gift to give. Don't think that it is only a normal pen its KGB disappearing pen. It looks like a normal pen. The pen consists of special gel ink from this if we write anything it will disappear with in two days.

So for the students it will use as rough notes and is also useful as to do rough mathematics.Another way it is useful to write love letters if anybody sees the letter it will not cause much problem.If the letters were disappear even we scan with UV scanner also it will not shows. The cost of this pen is Rs 700/-

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The worlds Largest caves

The world's largest Caves in Vietnam have been identified by the British scientists and these are in the forests of Vietnam in the area of sun dong and the height of these caves are about 650 feets,widht 500 feets and 328 feets long.

Till now in Malaysia deer caves are the biggest caves identified. The height of these caves are around 100 feets, width 90 feets but the caves which was now identified in some areas it was around 200 metres (656 feets),150 metres(492 feets) more.

Theese was said by them 13 Members grouped Scientists member Adam Spilon. British scientists along with help of Hanoi University people has identified these caves in second week. For travelling to the caves it has taken around 6 hours of Journey in the Forest.

The front door was first identified in 1991 by Ho khanh who lives around that area and because of the front part of the cave is so small and in that some sounds are coming till now nobody has dare to enter into the caves. Now with the help of Kanh they have entered into caves to know the things said by the Spilon

Toll free number for Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam(TTD)

Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam(TTD) has introduced toll free number for the devotees of Lord Venkateshwara they have introduced the main security service and security office. If the people who will come to Tirupathi if they face any problem and if they find any illegal activities they can call to the toll free number 18004254141 .

From this number you can call vigilance officer and should say the problems to them Said by the K.V.Ramana Chary. From this toll number the message from where they gets they will inform particular area and they will solve the problems in that area.

They have introduced this number for the purpose of to eliminate illegal activities and to provide facilities to the people who will come to Tirumala.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Scanning without Scanner

Do you want to mail an important documents, but you don't have scanner then how? if you have the digital camera it's enough. You can scan the documents using a software and can send.

In a normal system if you want scan any document scanner is compulsory, but now we can scan the documents without using scanner by using digital cameras.

It is not the thing like taking the photograph because it is not possible to take photo as how the document is for this the software named 'snapter' have been designed.

By installing this snapter software we can get the document more clarity and we can make like a scanned document.

How it works?

Download the software from the site and make it install by using input, output windows software will open. Under the windows Doc, Card, Board, Book, Input, Output, Process, Cancel, Save options which toolbar are available.

By making use of these options we can start the process of scanning for example

Priyanka Chopra is struggling for movies

Bollywood heroine Priyanka Chopra is getting good stories like 'fashion', 'Dostana' itself proves how they have make success.

As a heroine Priyanka Chopra got her position a step ahead, presently in 'Hits your Rashi' movie she's making 12 roles and making a record. The story of this movie will be rotate around rashis which was directed by Ashutosh gowarikar.

Priyanka Chopra said that "in my life I did not acted like this hardly in any movies as I have struggled more of acting in this many roles and Priyanka Chopra also said that 12 roles acting and appearance the way of making all those things were nice in this film.In movie fashion I have wored nearly 130 dresses, on the time also I have not struggled much on that.

Priyanka Chopra also said that roles music is going to become an extra strength to the movie. This film is coming on September 25th.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

PSLV-C14 is ready to launch

Sri Potti Sriramulu Nellore District Sriharikota's Satish Dhawan Space Centre international research Centre SHAR is ready to launch PSLV-C14 from this oceansat-2 satellite is going to launch by ISRO on 25th of September.

The satellite
PSLV-C14 is going to launch without using Stefan Motor. The weight of oceansat-2 satellite is 800kgs from this satellite we can know the top of Ocean about fish population, Petrol location.

With in short period the scientists are planning to send GSLV-D3 rocket around November, December from this rocket GSAT-4 satellite is going to launch Half of the work has been completed but now third Stefan fuel has been filled.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Attract women in Largest Social Networking Sites

There are many Largest Social Networking Sites like Myspace, Facebook, orkut provides lot of members which are active.There will be lot of women which they will look like more attracting by seeing some of their profiles.There will be lot of people who will make friendship with others by using Social Networking Sites but most of the time there may be consume of lot of time for making friendship with women to attract, most of people will attract women for date with nice attractive women.Sometimes it may happen that you may find their profile but how they look so to know that we have to make friendship with them after they believe that you are a good person they will show their profile or may contact you by webcam.

So here is the technique to atrract such women and make friendship with her which you can get dates.The method to attract women is matchbookmethod which we can attract women using Social Networking Sites

You can get this book to download

Matchbook Method

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Popular Guitar Course

Guitar a musical instrument where we can play music like folk, country, rock, jazz, or any number of other musical styles and can enjoy the music.

The Strings are more important for playing Guitar there will be six strings.The bottom string is known as 1st string.The 2nd string is considerd as B.The 3rd string is noted as G and 4th,5th,6th strings are D,A,E which all will play in different pitches as there are difference in thickness and size of strings music willplay in different pitches.

While playing Guitar easy fingering is most important.There are many models with the increase in technology where electrical Guitar is considered as more advanced.

This is a popular Guitar Course by the name Jamorama which discovers amazing methods to learn how to play Guitar.It contain step-by-step lessons here we can get the course from Beginner to Advanced.

You can get this most popular book by using this...

Jamorama Course



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